I am so proud and humbled by the people who have endorsed me for City Council District 3 of Paso Robles. I won't let any of those who have endorsed and supported me down. I will represent the residents of this City to the best of my ability and am committed to working for all Roblans.

Michael Rivera

Michael Rivera has the expertise, the even temperament and the enthusiasm to be Paso Robles’ next best councilman. We need more citizens to engage, and Michael, if elected, will be the first of many to come. Our town is too precious for us to allow what is happening now to continue. The roads are too rough, too many people are still living in the riverbed, and we can certainly take a pause when it comes to using citizens hard earned money to promote tourism. We have plenty of tourists. A more balanced economy is what Michael will seek.

Michael will ask hard questions and expect real answers. Having known Michael Rivera for several years, I can tell you that his heart is in the right place. He has the best interests of citizens in mind and most importantly to me, he will consider our youth, their health, and their future with every vote he makes, and every breath he takes.
Ron Cuff

Ron Cuff
Investing in America's Future by Protecting our Youth from Addiction


Dorian Baker
Paso Robles Joint Unified School District Trustee
With great enthusiasm and confidence, I endorse Michael Rivera for Paso Robles City Council. Having known Michael for six years, I can personally attest to his integrity, dedication, and deep commitment to our community. As a trusted friend and mentor during my tenure as a school board trustee, Michael's guidance and encouragement have been invaluable.  
Michael Rivera brings a wealth of experience to the table. His extensive background in city and county government, including roles as a Parks Commissioner, Planning Commissioner, and County Private Industry Council member, has provided him with a thorough understanding of how government works. Through his civic involvement, Michael has consistently demonstrated a commitment to maintaining a high quality of life in Paso Robles. He will work to ensure that our roads are smooth and well-maintained, our infrastructure needs are carefully planned, and that there is no paid parking. His platform emphasizes balancing the needs of local citizens and small businesses with tourism, a vital consideration for our growing city. 
A strong supporter of public safety, Michael is committed to providing our police and emergency services with the resources they need to keep our community safe. He is also a staunch advocate for fiscal responsibility and accountability in city government. He prioritizes listening to residents' concerns and ensuring that their needs are always at the forefront. His commitment to a small government approach, personal freedom, and keeping taxes low aligns with the values of many in our community. 
 Michael Rivera is the right choice for Paso Robles City Council. His experience, dedication, and vision for our city's future make him an exceptional candidate. I am confident that he will work tirelessly to represent the best interests of all residents, ensuring a bright and prosperous future for Paso Robles. 
 I wholeheartedly endorse Michael Rivera for Paso Robles City Council and encourage you to support him with your vote.

Michael Rivera: honesty, integrity, confidence, active listener, fearless community spokesperson. These are qualities I think of when I see Michael Rivera step up to the podium whether at the school board or city council. He attends a lot of both. He does his homework; he knows what he’s talking about. He makes politicians nervous because he represents today’s underdog: families, local citizens, taxpayers, homeowners, small businesses. Why? Because Michael Rivera is all of these. If he makes politicians uncomfortable now, imagine what he will do for us when Michael Rivera is elected to City Council.

Too many locals have shared how unhappy they are with our roads, the homeless in the riverbed, the need for more athletic fields, our deteriorating infrastructure, special interests, over spending, the chronic use of consultants, and the battle over paid parking. Mr. Rivera’s opponent has been in the Paso Robles City Government for nearly fifteen years. Others for far longer. When should we restore faith, trust and transparency? If we want local government to focus on local citizens, we have to vote for it, soon. It is time for change. Please vote for Michael Rivera to balance small government that prioritizes local citizens, our staff, smooth roads, fiscal responsibility, small business, public safety, and protecting Prop 13 with thoughtfully, prudently planning our future infrastructure needs while maintaining our roads, buildings and parks and doing so within budget.

I endorse Michael Rivera for Paso Robles City Council, District 3, 2024-2028

Chris Bausch
Paso Robles City Council
District 2, 2022-2026
Gary Lehrer
Musician/Citizen Advocate
Republican Party District 1 Chair
Michael Rivera is honest, has integrity, keeps his promises, and cannot be bought by special interests. The incumbent does not listen to the people and only changed his position on paid parking when it became apparent that supporting it was a losing issue in the November election. The incumbent, Steve Gregory, votes consistently with John Hamon, sides with the city manager, and ignores the wishes of Roblans but rewards their friends. Under their leadership, we have seen roads and homelessness get worse. It’s time for a change.

Michael is a fearless public leader who is a fighter for the citizens
and highly qualified to be on the city council. Please vote for
Michael Rivera.

Darryl Shaffer
Pamela Shaffer
Sharon Johnson
Diana Greenaway
Wally Greenaway
Randal Jordan
Mary Jordan
Darcia Stebbons
Neil Roberts
Ernest Hall
Grace Hall
Allan Stevo
Carmine Rambino
Joanna Rambino
Sheri Nelson
Frank Triggs
Sandy Triggs
Cody Ferguson
Asia Fisser
Savanna Fisser
Breana Fisser
Lou Esposito
Dee Kline
Raymond Smith
Eleanor Bastas
Michelle Nelson
David Nelson
Lori Roberts
Kevin Roberts
Tim Bernard
Justin Silvera
Pastor Pat Sheehan
Sara Sheehan
Michael Hanks
Faith Sheehan
Anamaria Under
Jessica Hengehold
Charles Hengehold
Jaime Ramos
Chad Woodrun
Beverly Ramos
Katz Karson
John Piearoy
Heather Dunn
Steve Dunn
Brian Yirm
Lisa Walker
Faith Frankes
Truman Prewitt